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From: “GM Free India” <indiagmfree@gmail.com>
Date: 01-Feb-2016 4:42 pm
Subject: Urgent – Stop GM Mustard Application process – Give Coalition for GM-Free India a hearing
To: <hempande@nic.in>, <kveluthambi@rediffmail.com>, <bishwanath.sinha@nic.in>, <bnsinha@gov.in>, <crbabu26@gmail.com>, <crb26@hotmail.com>, <nppbg@pau.edu>, <kk.sinha@nic.in>, <srrao@dbt.nic.in>, <aptesk@barc.gov.in>, <kumarv@icmr.org.in>, <sonti@ccmb.res.in>, <dci@nic.in>, <vijendra_mishra@rediffmail.co
Cc: “Pushpa Mittra Bhargava” <bhargava.pm@gmail.com>
Sub: GEAC : Request not to proceed with GM mustard commercialisation application processing – Request to allow hearing of the Coalition – reg.
However, such processes are being given a complete short shrift now, despite major lacunae in your regulation pointed out and proven time and again. These secretive processes, which are keeping out public scrutiny and public views on a very important matters that pertains to citizens is not acceptable. As a citizens’ alliance that represents hundreds of civil society groups across India, we would like the following
a) We request the GEAC to halt its processes immediately, and first put out the biosafety data of GM mustard in the public domain, and allow for a public scrutiny. As you can appreciate, citizens are not ready to depend on a small set of regulators, some of whom bring highly objectionable conflict of interest to the table, and in a regulatory body that does not have any representation from the Health Ministry. We request that the routine processing of this GM mustard commercialisation application be halted immediately and the entire biosafety data shared in the public domain.
b) We request that a delegation of representatives from this Coalition be allowed to make a presentation about our objections and concerns to the full committee of the GEAC, and we seek time for the same at the earliest.
We sincerely hope that you would give due respect to this request and we are hoping to positively hear from you.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Sridhar Radhakrishnan
( Ph : 09995358205)
Website: www.indiagminfo.org, email : indiagmfree@gmail.com, Facebookpage – GM Watch India
STOP GM.. You also need to eat food only and not the money..
i want gm free india.
when i was in italy in the slow food conference, 2004 , they told live locally ,eat local food after that i change my attitude.
then i don’t want to eat my food made by mnc, i want eat my own food made by me.
so stop gm seeds
This has to be stopped