2nd edition of compilation of scientific evidence on transgenics’ adverse impacts


The debate around GMOs in our food, farming and environment has only
been increasing over time, whether it is in policy circles or in the scientific world, or
as a public debate. The “Coalition for a GM-Free India” has been actively involved
in generating an informed debate in India on the various facets of GM crops. Very
often, there are questions on whether the debate is based on scientific evidence or
not. This prompted us to create a compilation of hundreds of references of published
scientific papers that point to various adverse impacts of Genetically Modified (GM)
crops and foods in April 2013. As expected, this pioneering initiative has helped in
furthering the evidence-based debate in India with stakeholders across various
sectors getting an opportunity to see the availability of scientific evidence on
numerous fronts.

Needless to say, the implications of this living, irreversible technology have to
be understood on different fronts (as much as possible, because there is also a
severe dearth of research, that too on long term implications and from independent
sources) by policy makers and individual citizens before GMOs (Genetically Modified
Organisms) are released into the environment, given that such deployment would
take place on a large scale in agriculture. The need to be cautious about agricultural
technologies cannot be over-emphasised given that most land is put under
agriculture, most people in India are linked to agriculture for their main livelihood
and that all of us consume food from agriculture to keep ourselves alive and healthy.
This Second Edition of the compilation has more studies added to the
collection. The compilation presents evidence available on specific fronts like
molecular level instability and unpredictability induced by the process of GE; health
implications flowing out of individual genes used as well as the GMO and also
because of the chemicals used along with particular GMOs; environmental
implications in terms of impacts on biodiversity, soil, on pests and diseases, impacts
on non-target organisms, creation of “super weeds” etc. Some of the studies which
have looked at yield myths related to GM crops have also been included. Further,
studies that have looked at regulation and suggested improvements in biosafety
assessment regimes are part of this compilation. Ethical and Socio-Economic
implications of GMOs including strengthening of seed monopolies into the hands
of a few multinational corporations are also covered in a few studies presented
here. This is by no means an exhaustive compilation, but is only illustrative.
We hope that this compilation compels sceptics to appreciate the overwhelming
evidence that already exists against this technology. We also hope that our scientists
and regulators will undertake assessments that consist of sound protocols and
designs so that early warnings can be captured for appropriate decision-making.

– Coalition for a GM-Free India
November, 2013

25 thoughts on “2nd edition of compilation of scientific evidence on transgenics’ adverse impacts

  1. There are forwards from eminent scientists. Many thanks for such a good compilation. However, our learned policy makers are not reading or forget to read and learn. As they have no skin and integrity and sold to corporates. But our fight must go on.

  2. Nature gives The best for living things. GM food is suicidal for life in this planet. Let us not fall prey to the scientific stupidity and commercial vested interests. People of India and the world should unite to see GM food get eliminated even as an idea. Government is for people and not for corporates.

  3. Indians hv lost trust in everything….we hoped now new govt will bring that trust back….pls stop Gmo crops trial…let us try not to make this heaven a hell

  4. Indians hv lost trust in every thing even on themselves.
    We hoped this govt was diff but seems to be goin on the same track
    Earliar bjp was against gmo crops now they r ready to gv it a try….very sad n heart broken
    Pls stop tht we want heaven not hell for our nxt generation

  5. There are enough countries who have banned GM crops. There’s no need to introduce GM crops in this country and have our children suffering from poor health.

  6. the article was very informative. please stop the process, ban this. Let us have healthy generations in the future

  7. Please do not let the gm food to come to our plates.we do not want it to be dumped in India.pls do not destroy Indian food.

  8. why are we closing our eyes deliberately to the systematic attempt of these multinationals to destroy the time tested methods of food / crop production methods of our own Bharat. Our system provides healthier food, meant for consumption of people of this part of the world. GM food obviously destroys the basic food chain, nutrients and above all our own belief system under the garb of more productivity.
    Let India be saved from such pernicious moves.


  9. We have to vehemently protest against any attempts to tamper with
    our natural food production processes. ABSOLUTELY NO TRIALS !

  10. GM crops may irreversible damage to our agriculture in India. So we must be very sure of its negative aspects before we even start on pilot basis. Else it will have potential to cause havoc with our collective health. Benefit will go to few multinationals and may be some Indians but loss will be of vast majority of poor people.

  11. Please do not play with the nature, in past we have experimented these sorts of expeditions but have revrse results. Instead we should try to boost and protect the nature givings which otherwise would prove disasterious for the present as well as future generation, which cannot should not be allowed to happen

  12. We strongly oppose GMO in India. BT cotton has ruined this region of telangana with false promises, rampant rise of suicides in farmers, livestock being affected with cancerous diseases, people ttroubld by dangerous incurable diseases, clear change in ecological pattern, soil losing its natural fertility and many more I’ll effects. India wake up. Let us remove food security from our books and replace food sovereignty instead.


  13. Poor Air Quality, deadly Diseases, rising food inflation, Crowded localities and NOW genetically modified vegetables to deteriorate our health further. If only the govt. learnt to manage the current food inventory effectively, tons of onion would not have gone to waste in one state when it was short in supply elsewhere.

  14. Thank you for your very important efforts in trying to get honest and comprehensive scientific assessment of GM products.

    1. This literature review is dated 2013. It would be nice if it is updated every year with the latest studies.

    2. Are there any resources oriented towards consumers in india ? for example, if i want to know if a particular product in the supermarket contains gm ingredients, is there a website where i can check ? i have written to soymilk/tofu producers asking if their products contain gm soya but they never reply.

    similarly, by law does the manufacturer have to label all products containing gm-ingredients ?

    3. is anyone doing random testing of products in the market for gm-ingredients and publishing the results ?

    Thank you.

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