———- Forwarded message ———- From: Kavitha Kuruganti <kavitakuruganti@gmail.com> Date: Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 6:57 AM Subject: Harish Damodaran & Amitabh Sinha piece on GM mustard To: harish damodaran IE <harishdamodaran@hotmail.com>, amitabh.sinha@expressindia.com Cc: viveck.goenka@expressindia.com, prabhas.jha@expressindia.com, The Indian Express <editor@expressindia.com>, feedback@indianexpress.com Dear Harish Damodaran and Amitabh Sinha, You have written a piece recently (on February 8th 2016, titled GM […]
On National Safe Food Day on Feb.9th, Coalition follows up with Shri Prakash Javadekar on his assurances.
To: Shri Prakash Javadekar, Minister for Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Government of India. Dear Sir, Sub: Meeting to discuss concerns with regard to transgenic technology and its regulation in India – reg. Greetings! This is as a follow up to our meeting that emerged out of a citizens’ protest outside MoEFCC […]
Minister meets with protestors and assures no GM mustard approval without due processes: Delegation responds by saying that important regulatory changes MUST
INDIAN GOVERNMENT SHOULD NOT IMPOSE UNNEEDED, UNWANTED & UNSAFE GMOs: SARSON SATYAGRAHA PROTESTS OUTSIDE MINISTRY New Delhi, February 4, 2016: The growing outrage across the country against the secretive manner in which the country’s GM regulator within the Environment Ministry is trying to approve GM Mustard reached a new height with a rainbow group of […]
Coalition’s Response to a casual invitation from GEAC
Dear Dr. Warrier, With reference to your email and phone call at late evening yesterday, we would like to say the following from the Coalition. (1) After several letters to the GEAC in the past few months on the GM mustard issue, this is the first time GEAC appears to have taken cognizance and responded. […]
Eminent Indian scientists write to Javadekar raising concerns on ongoing process to approve commercial cultivation of GM Mustard
Following the largest farmers groups objecting to the application for release of GM Mustard, more than 100 scientists (social scientists, agriculture scientists, biotechnologists, ecologists and other related disciplines) have asked the Minister for Environment , Forests & Climate Change not to proceed with the application for commercialisation of GM mustard. They have written to the […]
Kerala Civil Society Slams Centre on GM Mustard Push
STOP SECRET GM MUSTARD APPROVAL PROCESSES: GEAC MEETING SHOULD BE CALLED OFF CIVIL SOCIETY & FARMER GROUPS CALL GM MUSTARD HIGHLY DANGEROUS & OBJECTIONABLE EXPERIMENT ON PEOPLE & ENVIRONMENT Trivandrum, February 3rd, 2016: Slamming the Central Government for allowing regulators in the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change for scheduling a secret meeting on February […]
New Delhi, February 3rd, 2016: All major farmer unions of India, in a joint statement, have slammed the Minister for Environment, Forests and Climate Change for allowing the regulatory body for transgenics to meet on February 5th to decide on the fate of GM mustard. They demanded that the secret meeting of the regulator be cancelled […]
GEAC meeting should be called off, demand citizens’ groups: Nationwide outrage against Centre’s GM mustard push
New Delhi, February 3rd 2016: Widespread outrage was witnessed today from all quarters against the Centre continuing regulatory processes to commercialise GM mustard in India, even as state governments have also cautioned the Centre against proceeding further. The apex GM regulatory body, GEAC (Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee) in the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change […]
Stop GM Mustard Application process – Give Coalition for GM-Free India a hearing
———- Forwarded message ———- From: “GM Free India” <indiagmfree@gmail.com> Date: 01-Feb-2016 4:42 pm Subject: Urgent – Stop GM Mustard Application process – Give Coalition for GM-Free India a hearing To: <hempande@nic.in>, <kveluthambi@rediffmail.com>, <bishwanath.sinha@nic.in>, <bnsinha@gov.in>, <crbabu26@gmail.com>, <crb26@hotmail.com>, <nppbg@pau.edu>, <kk.sinha@nic.in>, <srrao@dbt.nic.in>, <aptesk@barc.gov.in>, <kumarv@icmr.org.in>, <sonti@ccmb.res.in>, <dci@nic.in>, <vijendra_mishra@rediffmail.co>, <govilaop@sify.com>, <vvr_ento@iari.res.in>, <vvr3@vsnl.com>, <renee@ces.iisc.ernet.in>, <bpsrinivasan@yahoo.com>, <luther@sau.ac.in>, <hota@nic.in>, <mishraramakant@gmail.com> Cc: “Pushpa Mittra […]
Coalition points to why NITI Ayog’s Occasional Paper section on GM crops is pedestrian: Urges NITI Ayog to refrain from such papers if it cannot adopt rigorous facts-based analysis
———- Forwarded message ———- From: GM Free India <indiagmfree@gmail.com> Date: 28 January 2016 at 12:29 Subject: Response on the matters raised on GM Crops in NITI Ayog Occasional Paper-reg To: vch-niti@gov.in Coalition for a GM-Free India (Attached – Signed pdf copy of letter) 28th January 2016 To: Dr Aravind Panagariya, Vice Chairperson, NITI Aayog, Govt of India. Dear Dr […]