———- Forwarded message ———- From: Kavitha Kuruganti <kavitakuruganti@gmail.com> Date: Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 12:55 PM Subject: Rejection of GM mustard – Public feedback time to be extended to 120 days from the time of proactive sharing of all biosafety data in public domain-reg. To: moefcc@nic.in, anil.dave@nic.in, anil.dave@sansad.nic.in Cc: P SARANYA <mustard.mef@gov.in> To: September 22nd, […]
Health Expert in GEAC Sub-Committee: Our reaction to Ministry’s defence
The Ministry has put out a press release a while ago (on a Sunday afternoon at around 3pm!!) about the presence of Dr Sesikeran as the health expert in the sub-committee that assessed GM mustard dossier submitted by Delhi University. http://pib.nic.in/newsite/erelease.aspx?relid=150878 I attach herewith proof of the fact that Dr Sesikeran was missing from GEAC […]
GEAC SUB-COMMITTEE’S BIOSAFETY CLEARANCE OF GM MUSTARD: HOW RELIABLE[1]? India’s apex regulatory body called Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee or GEAC has recently (on September 5th 2016) put out an announcement inviting public feedback till October 5th, on its assessment of GM mustard. The following pages are the analysis of the Coalition for a GM-Free India […]
Bt brinjal Vs. HT mustard: It only gets worse!!
You can download a pdf version of this note here. GEAC IS GETTING WORSE IN ITS REGULATORY FUNCTIONING OVER THE YEARS: GM MUSTARD’S FARCICAL PUBLIC FEEDBACK PROCESSES, CONTRASTED WITH THE REGULATOR-ADOPTED PROCESSES FOR BT BRINJAL (This is a quick note prepared by Kavitha Kuruganti to show the contrast between Brinjal & Mustard, tests on the […]
Minutes of the July 18th 2016 Special GEAC meeting
Points Covered by Various Speakers during Presentation to GEAC on 18th July, 2016 at Indira Paryavaran Bhavan, New Delhi A team of civil society representatives associated with Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture (ASHA) made presentations to the GEAC on 18.07.2016. The team was given two hours of uninterrupted time managed by themselves. The following […]
Coalition writes to GEAC & MoEFCC on its sham processes of “feedback”
———- Forwarded message ———- From: Kavitha Kuruganti <kavitakuruganti@gmail.com> Date: Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 11:05 PM Subject: Note inviting comments on the proposal on authorisation of Environmental Release of GE Mustard hybrid and use of parental events for development of new generation hybrids – reg. To: asap.moefcc@gov.in Cc: moefcc@nic.in, anil.dave@sansad.nic.in, anil.dave@nic.in To Dr Amita Prasad, Chairperson, Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee. […]
हरियाणा के मुख्य मंत्री और कृषि मंत्री से की देश और प्रदेश को जीएम सरसों से बचाने की अपील
मुख्य मंत्री और कृषि मंत्री से की देश और प्रदेश को जीएम सरसों से बचाने की अपील You can access the letter sent to the Haryana Chief Minister & Agri Minister here. हरियाणा के 15 जिलों के प्रबुद्ध नागरिकों, कृषि वैज्ञानिकों, किसान संगठनों एवं उपभोक्ताओं ने हरियाणा के मुख्य मंत्री और कृषि मंत्री को भेजे […]
Bihar CM assures active intervention to prevent approval of GM mustard by Centre
Patna, 1st September 2016: Meeting a delegation of Alliance for Sustainable & Holistic Agriculture (ASHA) on the issue of GM mustard, Bihar Chief Minister Sh Nitish Kumar assured the group of his active intervention on this matter of urgent concern. He promised that he would write to the Prime Minister on the subject explaining why GM […]
Delhi CM Kejriwal gets a unique gift from citizens fighting GM mustard: Delhi Govt promises to write to PM
DELHI CM KEJRIWAL GETS A UNIQUE GIFT FROM CITIZENS FIGHTING GM MUSTARD: CITIZENS URGE HIM TO ACT PROACTIVELY TO STOP GM MUSTARD FROM INVADING THEIR FOOD New Delhi, September 1st 2016: Braving heavy downpour, a group of citizens landed at Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal’s office today, urging him to proactively intervene in the matter of GM […]
Organic farmers hand over organic mustard oil to Agriculture Minister with the request to ensure that approval of gm mustard does not jeopardize this
Delegation of organic farmers from Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan meets Union Agriculture Minister and appeals for immediate hold on release of GM Mustard Under the aegis of Organic Farmers’ Association of India (OFAI) a delegation today (September 1, 2016) called upon the Union Minister of Agriculture, Sh Radha Mohan Singh and presented him with bottles […]