Year: 2014

BKU to MoEFCC: GMOs are unneeded and unsafe – urge you to cancel field trial approvals given by regulators

To: Shri Prakash Javadekar, Central Minister for Environment,  Forests and Climate Change (I/C), Government of India, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, New Delhi. Respected Shri Javadekar, Sub: GMOs are unneeded and unsafe – urge you to cancel field trial approvals given by regulators. Respected Sir, Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU) is the largest farmers’ union in the […]

Coalition for a GM-Free India asks Minister for Environment, Forests & Climate Change to annul the hasty approvals for open-air trials of GMOs by GEAC

New Delhi, July 19, 2014: The apex biotechnology regulator, the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) met and approved several applications for field trials of different genetically modified (GM) crops (rice, mustard, chickpea etc.) yesterday. So far, it is reported that 60 of the pending 70 applications have been cleared. This spate of approvals is happening […]

GM Free India Coalition urges Environmental Minister to stop approval of GM crops field trials

New Delhi, 17/07/2014. To Shri Prakash Javadekar,                                                                                                     The Minister for Environment, Forest & Climate Change,                                                  Govt of India. Dear Sir, Sub: Seeking your urgent intervention in stopping approval for Field trials of GM Crops Reg: We are writing this with utmost concern as numerous media reports in the last two days have indicated that the […]

Supreme Court hearing on the PIL on GM crops now on 1st of April – Coalition for a GM Free India demands UPA government to stop misinforming the Court and not stand in the way of delivery of Justice

New Delhi, 30th March 2014: In the latest development related to the public debate and controversy around Genetically Modified (GM) crops in India, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India preponed its hearing on the PIL on GM crops from 15th April to 1st of April 2014 (1). This comes after the hasty, unethical and questionable […]

Veerappa Moily claims that he has not approved any field trials, when confronted by farmers

South Indian farmer organizations, led by KRRS march to Veerappa Moily’s House to protest field trial approvals Bangalore, 18th March, 2014: When confronted by scores of farmers of the Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha (KRRS) and South Indian Coordination Committee of Farmers’ Movements (SICCFM), from four states of South India, Veerappa Moily, the Union Minister for […]

Eminent individuals, citizen groups ask Maharashtra’s CM to cancel clearance given for field trials of GM crops

Mumbai, March 13: Mr Shailesh Gandhi, former Central Information Commissioner released a letter to Maharashtra’s Chief Minister and Agriculture Minister written by leading organizations such as BNHS, AGNI, Council for Fair Business Practices, Avaaz and V CAN and by eminent individuals, including the former Director of TISS, former Secretary Agriculture, GOI and four former Judges […]

Activists slam Veerappa Moily for putting corporate profits before nation’s interests

New Delhi, March 4th, 2014: Activists from Greenpeace India along with members of Coalition for a GM Free India today registered a strong protest against the way the Union Minister of Environment and Forest, Veerappa Moily has taken the side of multinational seed companies to permit hundreds of field trials of GM crops across the […]

Clearing GM field trials will put India’s food, farming and environment at immense risk! Coalition for a GM Free India condemns Moily’s action

New Delhi, 27th Feb, 2014: Reacting to the news on approvals of numerous field trials of GM crops, including that of GM varities of staple crops like rice and wheat, by the Minister of Environment and Forests, Veerappa Moily, the Coalition for a GM Free India condemned the action of the minister as unscientific, anti […]

"Mr. Prime Minister – You are wrong. GM crops are dangerous, and there is sound scientific evidence", says Coalition for GM Free India

Coalition challenges the PM to prove that concerns about Bt Crops are prejudiced. New Delhi, 4thFeb, 2014: Reacting to the promotional statement on Genetically Modified crops by the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh in his inaugural address at the Indian Science Congress which started in Jammu yesterday [1], the Coalition for a GM Free India […]

Coalition urges MoEF to uphold mandate of his Ministry

                                    New Delhi,                                                                                                  01/01/2014.                    To Shri.Veerappa Moily,                                                       Union Minister for Environment and  Forests, Government of India. Dear Sir, Sub: Bringing to your attention concerns related to GMOs in our environment including for field trials, and urging you to protect […]

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