Coalition’s response on Conflict of Interest related amendments to 1989 Rules


———- Forwarded message ———
From: GM Free India <>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2025 at 13:03
Subject: Comments on Gazette Notification dated 31st Dec. 2024 with proposed amendments to EPA’s 1989 Rules
To: <>
25 February 2025
The Secretary,
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change,
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan,
Jor Bagh road,
New Delhi – 110003

Dear Madam/Sir,

Sub: Comments, with Objections and Suggestions, related to the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change’s Gazette Notification dated 31st December, 2024, related to some proposed amendments to the 1989 Rules. Document no: CG-DL-E-02012025-259846
We write to you from the Coalition for a GM-Free India which is a large platform of organisations and individuals representing farmers, consumers, technical experts and public-spirited activists. We work to ensure that sustainable and safe alternatives that are citizen-empowering form a core part of the transformation that is required of our food systems. We are concerned about India not falling into the trap of unsafe, unwanted and unneeded gene technologies being pushed into our food and farming systems, in the name of “solutions”.
The Coalition for a GM-Free India is very well-aware of the risks and dangers that gene technologies pose in our food and farming systems. We are fully conversant with the scientific evidence that supports our stand, and we/our members have come up with publications in this context. Additionally, we also keep ourselves informed of the regulatory requirements that are needed to be in place for Indian citizens’ access to safe food.
We have gone through the draft amendments being proposed in the Gazette Notification put out for public comments, on December 31, 2024, to the “Manufacture, Use, Import, Export and Storage of Hazardous Micro-Organisms/ Genetically Engineered Organisms or Cells Rules, 1989” of the Environment Protection Act, 1986, to give effect to the direction issued by the Supreme Court of India on July 23, 2024.
The Common Order states the following with regard to the Direction related to conflict of interest:

“Respondent – Union of India must ensure that all credentials and past records of any expert who participates in the decision-making process should be scrupulously verified and conflict of interest, if any, should be declared and suitably mitigated by ensuring representation to wide range of interests. Rules in this regard may be formulated having a statutory force.”
This Direction has to be understood in its letter and spirit which would happen when read along with the full judgement of both the Judges on the Bench. The key parts to this particular direction include: verification, declaration and mitigation of conflict of interest (emphasis added).
Against this background, the following are our main objections with regard to the narrow interpretation of “conflict of interest” and lack of intent to avoid conflict of interest:
The proposed amendments contain nothing significant or effective in avoiding conflict of interest to begin with, in terms of constitution of Committees. Nothing has been said to ensure that those members who are GM crop developers themselves and hold a direct conflict of interest with the regulatory regime itself, with or without any particular agenda item being related to them are not included to begin with, in decision-making spaces within the regulatory regime;
The common order proposes representation of “wide range of interests”, whereas nothing of this aspect has been proposed to be operationalised in the draft notification;
The proposed amendments do not have anything explicitly included to keep out Public-Private Consortia like BCIL from decision-making process where it has been seen in the past that they even prepare Expert Committee reports while drawing funds from GM promoters;
The proposed amendments do not appreciate that the Department of Biotechnology itself carries conflict of interest wherever it is getting involved in appraisals and decision-making processes related to projects that it has funded – the Delhi University’s DMH-11 GM HT mustard is a classic illustration of this conflict of interest. Similar is the conflict of interest carried by ICAR and other NARS institutions which earn their revenues by doing commissioned studies for GM crop developers – this aspect of institutional conflict of interest is not getting addressed in the proposals;
The proposed amendments to the Rules also do not cover Experts who are being involved in shaping the regulatory regime and are not part of statutory committees (given that the Amendment is being proposed as Rule 4(A)) – this excludes some external members who are drawn into sub-committees, experts who draft guidelines for trials and other tests etc. – it has been seen in the past that such experts also carry conflict of interest.
The draft amendments do not propose any “cooling off period” for an expert who joins any regulatory body or process under the EPA 1989 Rules, whereas they should be barred from joining any GM crop development agency (public or private) for at least 5 years, after completing the services offered in the regulatory regime.
The Amendments should have a pro-active provision for members of the public alerting the Ministry of conflict of interest, for removal of such members after verification of the complaint.
All information shared by Experts, after their appointment into Committees or given any particular assignments in the regulatory regime with statutory bearing, should be published on the ministry’s website. The Amendment should state that names of the proposed Experts along with their biodatas will be published beforehand in the public domain, so that public-spirited citizens can assist the Government in the task of mitigating conflict of interest compromising the rigour of decision-making.
Further, the amendment being proposed under Rule 3’s sub-rule (v), under “Definitions” section with a clear proviso that says “unless the context requires” lends itself to the proviso being misused.

Coming to other points with regard to what has been articulated in the draft notification:
The Gazette Notification dated December 31, 2024, Schedule II, C3 states that, “Expert Member shall disclose a conflict of interest at the earliest possible opportunity in Form-II to the Chairman of the concerned Committee.” However, there is no mention of how it will be ensured that the chairman of the concerned committee holds no conflict of interest.
Under “A. General Principles” of Schedule II Code on Conflict of Interest, the declaration of the expert cannot be after a Committee is constituted as proposed in C.1., or after a task related to statutory regulatory regime is assigned to an expert, BUT BEFORE. Declaration should also be accompanied by Verification by a designated Authority in the Ministry (the SC order also talks about both Declaration as well as Verification). There should be a punitive provision for any incorrect declaration by any Expert. Moreover, it cannot be left to the Member to take all steps necessary to ensure that any conflict of interest does not affect any decision of the Committee. This is a mockery of the very need to make this amendment in the Rules. Any expert who is a GM crop developer currently, or in the past ten years, should be excluded from being appointed; this should be applicable to not just the expert, but the immediate family of the expert too (even that is to be construed as direct conflict of interest). This is also applicable to members who come from institutions which have a strong/significant/almost-exclusive focus on GM crop development. Further, a cooling-off period of 5 years must be mandatory. That is the only way to ensure that no decision is affected by conflict of interest.
Under “B. Conflict in respect of Agenda”, in Schedule II, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change is once again defying the spirit of the SC order by narrowing down conflict of interest to “agenda items” in a particular meeting. This is narrow because any expert having a direct or indirect conflict of interest in terms of environmental release of a GMO, without the GMO in question of an agenda item being developed by him/her, will influence the decision-making around other applications also in terms of compromising rigorous and comprehensive testing, for the compromised protocols to be applicable to his/her own application. Once again, we strongly reiterate our point that such members (or their immediate family members – spouse, sibling, child, parent) should not be included in Committees or any other roster of experts for any other decision-making in the regulatory regime; conflict of interest is not about particular agenda items.
Further, Schedule II C5 of the proposed amendment states that in case the Chairman of the Committee determines that conflict of interest has arisen in respect of participation of an expert member in a particular agenda item, he may allow such Expert Member to recuse from that particular agenda item. The proposed amendment should be changed to reflect that “In case of conflict of interest, the Expert Member will be permanently removed from the committee, and a new Expert who has no conflict of interest will be appointed in their place”.
We request you to address all the above points, revise the proposed changes drastically and re-issue the draft amendments being proposed.
Kavitha Kuruganti
Mob: 8880067772
Co-Convenor, Coalition for a GM-Free India
Endorsed by:
Dr. Amar KJE Nayak, Bhubaneswar
Dr. Amar Singh Gohel, Master Trainer, Anand
Dr. Anuja Bais, Physiotherapist, Varca, Goa
Dr. Anurag Sharma, Zebu Research pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
Dr. Arun Gupta, Pediatrcian, Delhi
Dr. Arvindbhai, Retired Scientist, Anand
Dr.Ashok Yadav, Bhakar Bhitrot Vikas Manch, Abu Road
Dr. Bharat Sonar, Smt H R Patel Arts and Science Mahila College, Shirpur, Shirpur
Dr. Bhavin S Bhayani, IMA, Mumbai
Dr. Chhaya Datar, Ex-Professor, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Dr. Debal Deb, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, Kolkata
Dr. Dharmendra Shah, Professor, Vadodara, Gujarat
Dr. Dhiraj Singh, Retired, Meerut UP
Dr. Gayathri Ramachandran, Chennai
Dr. Govindasamy Thirunavukkarasu, Electrical Engineer, Sembiyanallur, Thanjavur , Tamilnadu
Dr. Himmat Singh Ratnoo, Former Teacher, Bahadurgarh
Dr. Jacob Puliyel, Retired Pediatrician, Kochi, Kerala
Dr. K Babu Rao, HRF, Hyderabad
Dr. Kamal Kant Patra, Ranchi
Dr. Mahendra K R
Dr. Meenakshi Singh, Nandini gir farms, Harmu
Dr. Mita Dutta, Basudha, Kolkata
Dr. Mitra S, Claw, Kolkata
Dr. Mohammad Jawed Quereishi, Mumbai
Dr. Mohammed Ismail Gulshath, Kovilpatti, Tamil Nadu
Dr. Naqvi S Z H, Retired Principal, Rohtak
Dr. Narasimha Reddy Donthi, Independent, Hyderabad
Dr. Neelima Dahiya, Teacher, Rohtak, Haryana
Dr. Nishad, Homeopath, Tamilnadu
Dr. Nitu, Professor, Mandi
Dr. Omkaranand, SRS, Utterkashi, utterakhand
Dr. Padmini Raghavan, Retired Gynaecologist, Dharur Station village, Telengana.
Dr. Pooja Mukul, Enable Foundation for Persons with Special Needs, Jaipur
Dr. Prahalad Rangan, Chennai, India
Dr. Prakash, Dhekiajuli
Dr. Pritham S, Karnatak
Dr. Pushpa  Singh, Delhi University, Delhi
Dr. Rajendra Khimani, Lokbharai University, Bhavanagar
Dr. Rajeshwari, Professor, Haryana
Dr. Rajinder Chaudhary, Retd Professor, Rohtak (Haryana)
Dr. Rajiv Tyagi, Medical, New Delhi
Dr. Ravi Joshi, Research scholar, Pithoragarh
Dr. Reddy B N, Osmania University, Hyderabad
Dr. Reshma Beeram, Human Rights Forum, Warangal
Dr. Rima Biswas Mondal, Nagpur
Dr. Ritu Priya, Retd. Professor, New Delhi
Dr. Santosh Mudgil, Retd. Principal, Rohtak, Haryana
Dr. Sayantan Kr Das, Researcher, Mananthavady, Wayand, Kerala
Dr. Shekh A M, Retired professor, Anand, Gujarat
Dr. Sowmiya, Thavaram organics, Chennai
Dr. Sudhir Vombatkere, NAPM, Mysuru
Dr. Suhas Kolhekar, NAPM, Pune, Maharashtra.
Dr. Sujatha Byravan, Chennai
Dr. Suman Lata, Retired Professor, Rohtak, Haryana
Dr. Sunil M.Caleb, Lecturer, Kolkata
Dr. Syamasundar Reddy G, Farmer, Narsapur, Medak, Telangana
Dr. Vandana Prasad, Doctor, Noida
Dr. Ved Parkash Goyal, Kudrati Kheti Abhian, Rohtak, Haryana
Dr. Venkatesh Bugdi, Physician, Mumbai
Dr. Vijay Rukmini Rao, Deccan Development Society, Hyderabad, Telangana
Dr. Vijayan P, Anaesthesiologist, Salem, Tamilnadu
Dr. Vinod Kumar Dilawari, Retired Professor, Ludhiana
Dr. Viral Desai, Pharmacologist and Naturopath, Vadodara
Mrs. Abhivan, Business, Mumbai
Mrs. Adity, Journalist, Ghaziabad
Mrs. Akshaya H, Delhi
Mrs. Anasuya, Nagpur, Maharashtra
Mrs. Anita Talreja, Mumbai
Mrs. Ashwini Bhar, Nasik, Maharashtra
Mrs. Bani Sadhukhan, Kolkata
Mrs. Deepti Agrawal, Agrawal Organic Farms, Jaipur
Mrs. Devi Nair, Bangalore
Mrs. Geeta Sahu, Farmer, Belgaum
Mrs. Hannah, Chartered Accountant, Chennai
Mrs. Harsha Shelat, Retd. Microbiologist, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat
Mrs. Kayal, Chennai
Mrs. Kiran Martis, Holistic Healer, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Mrs. Kuldeep Singh, Mahuva, Gujarat
Mrs. Manisha Meena, Rajasthan
Mrs. Manuni Vyas, Shree Sarvaniketan Trust, Anand, Gujarat
Mrs. Mohaneswari J, Chennai
Mrs. Nisha Sidhu, Rajasthan Kisan sabha, Jaipur
Mrs. Pervin Jehangir, Social Work, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Mrs. Rema Kumar, Educationist, Bengaluru, Karnataka
Mrs. Rutaksha Rawat, Pure & Eco India, Noida
Mrs. Seethalakshmi, Organic Farmers Market, Chennai
Mrs. Shantha P, SIEDS, Anekal Town
Mrs. Sharada Gopal, Freelance Writer, Dharwad
Mrs. Sheela R, Retired, Coimbatore
Mrs. Sheelavenkataraman, Retired, Kuppanur, Coimbatore
Mrs. Sheila Kapur, Maharashtra
Mrs. Shruti Dharmendra Shah, Business, Vadodara
Mrs. Sreedevi, Anantha, Coimbatore
Mrs. Sreeja K V, Farmer, Arangottukara, Thrissur Kerala
Mrs. Sumathi, Former, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Mrs. Sunil, Teacher, Rohtak
Mrs. Tejal, Chennai
Mrs. Umadharshini, Farmer, Coimbatore
Mrs. Usha Hariharan, Restore, Bengaluru
Mrs. Vasantha selvi, Embedded Engineering Lead, Madurai
Mrs. Veena M, Freelancer, Trivandrum
Ms. Adhya Nambisan, Pune
Ms. Amanjot Kaur, Kheti Virasat Mission, Chennai
Ms. Amit Kumar, Jharkhand
Ms. Ammu Abraham, Forum against oppression of women, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Ms. Ani, Education professional, Pune
Ms. Anuradha P. Dhawan, Sustainable designer, Gurugram
Ms. Archana Stalin, myHarvest Farms,Chennai
Ms. Ashalatha, MAKAAM, Hyderabad
Ms. B Patel, Farmer, Kulthana
Ms. Bhooma, Farming, Sholur mattam, Tamil nadu
Ms. Bonani Ghosh, Human and environmental league alliance ( HEAL), Kolkata
Ms. Chithra Viswanathan, Retired Teacher, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Ms. Devanshi Purohit, MPSVV, Ujjain
Ms. Dhanalakshmi, Banking, Kolathur, Chennai
Ms. Dhruba Das Gupta, Society for Creative Opportunities and Participatory Ecosystems, Kolkata
Ms. Harshita, Farming family, Bengaluru
Ms. Haveena Rebecah, Aranya Agricultural Alternatives, Zaheerabad, Telangana
Ms. Hemalatha, Software Engineer, Chennai
Ms. Kathyayini Chamaraj, Freelance Journalist, Bengaluru
Ms. Mahnoor, Hyderabad
Ms. Malini, Café, Chennai
Ms. Malvikaa Solanki, Swayyam, Chamarajnagar
Ms. Manisha Meena, Rajasthan
Ms. Neelam Ahluwalia, People for Aravallis group, Gurugram, Haryana
Ms. Nikita Naidu, Climate Action Specialist, Hyderabad
Ms. Nisha Talreja, Yoga instructor, Mumbai
Ms. Nivedita, TNIVK, Chennai
Ms. Parul Zaveri, Architect, Ahmedabad
Ms. Patel Ranjan, Pateldhundha
Ms. Pavithra A, Farmer, Thrissur
Ms. Purvi Vyas, Consultant, Ahmedabad
Ms. Rajani G Rao Santosh, Palamaner
Ms. Rosamma Thomas, Journalist, Pala town, Kottayam district, Kerala
Ms. Samita Kaur, Punjab
Ms. Sandeep Suresh Ahire, Kanda utpadak Shetkari Sanghatna, Dhule, Maharashtra
Ms. Sandhya Gokhale, Forum Against Oppression of Women, Mumbai
Ms. Saroja, Nandhavanam Food Forest, Karur, Tamil Nadu
Ms. Satya Sukrity, Dumka
Ms. Seema Kulkarni, Researcher, Pune
Ms. Sehjo Singh, Vikalp Sangam, New Delhi
Ms. Sejal, Social Worker, Gujarat
Ms. Shafiya Banu M, Trichy
Ms. Shital Talreja, Professional, Pune
Ms. Srividhya K, Mumbai
Ms. Subha Bharadwaj, Nava Raipur
Ms. Sudha N, Food Researcher, Bangalore
Ms. Sumalatha K, Gramya Resource Centre for Women, Nalgonda
Ms. Sumati Koul, Mumbai
Ms. Usha Rao, Samaagama, Bangalore
Ms. Usha, Save Our Rice Network, Trivandrum, Kerala
Ms. Vidhya, Photographer, Karnataka
Ms. Vineetha Sreepada, Hyderabad
Ms. Yvette U Dsouza, Anjuna
Mr. Abhishek, Business, Patna
Mr. Adesh Bhai Pareshan, Adarsh Manav Vikas Yuva Gramin Seva Sansthan Kaima, Karauli, Rajasthan
Mr. Ajay Patel, Ahmedabad
Mr. Ali Asghar Shabbir Ali, Architecture, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Mr. Alladi Mahadevan, The Organic farm, Chengalpattu
Mr. Alok Sharan Prasad, Chartered Accountant, Ranchi
Mr. Ambika Yadav, Jharkhand Kishan Parishad, Jharkhand
Mr. Amit Bhushan, Ranchi
Mr. Amit Lal Jain, Vegcure Functional Medicare Pvt Ltd, Ranchi
Mr. Amit Rai, Agri Tech, Entreprenuer Rukka, Ranchi, Jharkhand
Mr. Amrit, Bihar, Madhubani
Mr. Anant S, Mumbai
Mr. Ananthoo, Safe Food Alliance, Adyar, Chennai, TamilNadu
Mr. Andsar, Coimbatore
Mr. Anil Kumar, Sahodaya Trust, Gaya, Bihar
Mr. Anoopkumar AK, Scientist, Kumbakonam, Tamilnadu
Mr. Anupam Bansal, Software Professional, Hyderabad
Mr. Archit Tripathi, Vadodara
Mr. Arpit Sharma, Farmer, Kota, Rajasthan
Mr. Arun, TNIUUNK Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu
Mr. Arunbhai Kantibhai Peshawaria, Farmer, Naranpar, Jamnagar, Gujarat
Mr. Ashish Gwasikoti, Business, Delhi
Mr. Asokakumar V, Kerala Jaiva Karshaka Samithy, Purangu, Malappuram,
Mr. Avinash Saini, Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samiti, Rohtak, Haryana
Mr. B Nirmal Prabhu, Actor, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Mr. Balachandran C, Prakriti food, Mysore
Mr. Balachandran C, Kumarappa Farm, T Kallupatti
Mr. Bharat Dudhal, Jsm, Sangli
Mr. Bharat Jambucha, Freelance, Bhavnagar (Gujrat)
Mr. Bhasker, OFM, Chennai, Tamilnadu
Mr. Binay K Sinha, Professional, Mohali, Punjab
Mr. Brindawan Das Mundhra, Bikaner Rajasthan
Mr. Carthik, Business, Coimbatore
Mr. Dalel Singh, Rohtak
Mr. Darshan Babu, Generalist at Namma Farmers Market, Mysuru
Mr. Darshan Parghi, Farmer, Vadodara
Mr. Dayashanker Rao K M, Freelance, Bangalore
Mr. Debaashish Nandi, Business, Chandernagore, West Bengal
Mr. Devendra Yadav, Business, Jaipur
Mr. Devinder Sharma, Food Policy Analyst, Mohali
Mr. Dhamodharan, Chennai
Mr. Dhanaji Dnyandev Pawar, Farmer, Satara
Mr. Dhananjay Patil, Farmer, Kanher
Mr. Dilip Abhyankar, Retired, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Mr. Dilip Talreja, Retired, Mumbai
Mr. Dinesh Chand Meena, Rajasthan
Mr. Dinesh kothari, Chartered Accountant, Indore
Mr. Dippak Basavaraj, Ingala Earth LLP, Bangalore
Mr. Durga Prasad Choudhury, Administrative staff, Nagpur, Maharashtra
Mr. Ekadashi Nandi, Freelancer Seeds and Organic Natural Farming, Bhubaneswar Odisha
Mr. Eswar, Business, Chennai
Mr. Feros Khan, Organic Retailer, Chennai
Mr. G Subash, Private service, Avinashi
Mr. Ganesh Tamkar, Pune
Mr. Gerard Ribeiro, Retired, Palghar
Mr. Gopal, Agriculture, Rajkot
Mr. Gopi, Safe Foods Shop, Chennai
Mr. Gurumurthy, Engineer, Bengaluru
Mr. Haresh Vekariya, Retired, Rajkot
Mr. Hari, Farmer, Haryana
Mr. Harihan Padmanabhan, Accountant, Chennai
Mr. Hariharan B, Kri foundation, Tamilnadu
Mr. Harinder, JNU, Delhi
Mr. Harkhani Sundar Gulabbhai, Shivnandi Jivdaya Trust, Surat, Gujarat
Mr. HarshadKumar Chauhan, Art of living, Ahmedabad
Mr. Hasmukh G Patel, Farmers Producers Organisation, Mandvi Kutch, Gujarat
Mr. Hiten Premjibhai Badga, Shipping and Logistics, Gandhidham, Gujarat
Mr. Hitesh  Mansukhlal Popat, Motel The Village Resort, Rajkot, Gujarat
Mr. Janak, Business, Bhuj
Mr. Jayant Konde, Armed Forces Veteran, Pune
Mr. Jayantilal B Patel, Farmer, Mahisagar, Gujarat
Mr. Jitender, Software Engineer, Rohtak, Haryana
Mr. Jitendra Jain, Accountant, Dhule
Mr. Jiterandra D Patil, Kalyan west
Mr. Joannes JTL Lamare, Activist, Shillong
Mr. John P T, Kerala Jaiva Karshaka Samithi, Wayanad, Kerala
Mr. Joseph D’costa, BCS, Mumbai
Mr. Jp singh, Insurance consultant, Chandigarh
Mr. Kailash Anerao, Chartered Accountant, Thane
Mr. Kanniraj M, Special educator, Delhi
Mr. Kapil Shah, Jatan, Vadodara
Mr. Karthik Gunasekar, TNIVK, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Mr. Ketan Mehta, Mumbai
Mr. Kiran Rajendra Kamble, Diploma in metallurgy, Pune
Mr. Kirankumar Visaa, Rythu Swarajya Vedika, Hyderabad, Telangana
Mr. Krish Singh Arora, Aravali Bachao, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
Mr. Krishnanantham C, Professor, Madhurai
Mr. Kuldeep Singh Adhikari, Technician, Delhi
Mr. Lakshminarayana Reddy, Freelance, Somaghatta
Mr. Leo James Sengo, Researcher, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Mr. Lokesh, Chennai
Mr. Madan, Tarani Farms, Golapalli, Jawalagiri, Krisjnagiri
Mr. Mahaveer Singh, Farmer
Mr. Mahavir Vidyadhar Moholkar, Solapur, Maharashtra
Mr. Manas Dwivedi, Varanasi
Mr. Maneesh Yadav, Banking, Gurugram, Haryana
Mr. Manish Kumar, Advocate, Ranchi
Mr. Manish Yadav, Quality Manager Esage IT Services pvt LTD, Jaipur
Mr. Manivannan, Engineer, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Mr. Manjeet Singh, Kudrati Kheti Abhiyan, Haryana
Mr. Manjunatha M C Y, Lecturer, Mysore
Mr. Manoj Kumar, Project Manager Sustainable Agriculture, Bangalore
Mr. Manoj Kumar, Total Environment Awareness Movement (TEAM), Ranchi, Jharkhand
Mr. Milind, Business, Pune
Mr. Mo Riddiford, University Teacher, Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu
Mr. Mohan Krishna, Aero Engineer, Mysuru, Karnataka
Mr. Moncy M Thomas, Librarian, Trivandrum, Kerala
Mr. Mruthunjay, Mahila Samagrah Uthan Samithi, Palamu, Jharkand
Mr. Mukesh Marhia, Business, Mumbai
Mr. Mukesh, Business, Rajkot
Mr. Mukesh, Business Consultant, Rajkot
Mr. Munish kumar, Hariawal Rayya, Rayya district Amritsar,punjab,Bharat
Mr. Nagarajan K, Business, Bangalore
Mr. Nagarajan, Organic Shop, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Mr. Nallamala Venkateswara Rao, Samyuktha Kissan Morcha, Telangana
Mr. Naman Kumar, Garhwa
Mr. Naranbhai Rabari, Farmer, Kodaki
Mr. Naresh kumar, Farmer, Mohana, Sonipet
Mr. Narsinh bhai, Farmer, Arvalli, gujarat
Mr. Navneet Kumar Suman, Gumla
Mr. Neel Kamal, Journalist, Bathinda, Punjab
Mr. Neerad Trivedi, NGO, Pune
Mr. Nehalu Amruthiya K, Farmer, Gujarat
Mr. Nighil k, Civilian, Kollam
Mr. Nilesh Mehta, Business, Chennai
Mr. Nitish Tiwari, Senior Research Fellow, Madhya Pradesh
Mr. P. Sarath Chandra Gupa, Natural Farmer, Khairatabad, Hyderabad , Telangana State
Mr. Padmanabhan V T, Tellicherry, Kerala
Mr. Pankaj Pathak, Natural Farmer, Himachal Pradesh
Mr. Parag babariya, Shreyaskar Vidyatirtha, Rajkot, Gujarat
Mr. Paramjit Singh, Bharti Kissan Morcha Fateh Association, Ludhiana, Punjab
Mr. Paranthaman M, Entertainment Industry, Chennai, Tamilnadu
Mr. Parvinder Pal, Kudrati Kheti Abhiyan, Rohtak
Mr. Patel H, Freelancer, Thane
Mr. Pawan Kumar, Yogahaar, Dehradun
Mr. Philip Martis, Holistic Healer, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Mr. Pitram, Faridabad
Mr. Prabhu M, Journalist, Bangalore
Mr. Prabu, Thapovan Info Systems Pvt. Ltd., Mathur, Chennai
Mr. Prakash H A, Sahaja Samrudha Organic Farmer Group, Bangalore, Karnataka
Mr. Prasad Suryawnshi, Engineer, Thane
Mr. Pratap Marode, Farmer, Palshi Zashi (Buldhana) Maharashtra
Mr. Praveen Singh, Engeneering, Mumbai
Mr. Praveen, Farmer, Nogawan
Mr. Pravinbhai jeshabhai dangar, Farmer, Kutch, Gujarat
Mr. Prince Kumar, Ranchi
Mr. Priyajit Ray, Raja Peary Mohan College, Kolkata
Mr. Priyatosh Pal, Voluntary Health Association of Tripura, Agartala, Tripura
Mr. Puran Bartwal, People’s Science Institute, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Mr. Pushkar Patil, Holystico, Pune
Mr. Raghuveer Sharan Shrivastava, Retired Head Teacher, Eesaagarh, Madhyapradesh
Mr. Rahul Pabreja, Organic Food Retailer, Mumbai
Mr. Raj Shekhar Singh, Right to Food Campaign, Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh
Mr. Rajeev Kumar Roy, BAIF APO, Samastipur, Bihar
Mr. Rajesh Jakhar, Lawyer, Hisar
Mr. Rajesh Krishnan, Farmer, Wayanad
Mr. Rajesh Pandey, Darshana Mahila Kalyan Samiti Chhatarpur, Chandranagar
Mr. Rajesh Sen, Programme Coordinator, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Mr. Rajesh Shervegar, Retired, Udupi, Karnataka
Mr. Rajiv Mishra, United Humans Organization, Yogia
Mr. Rakesh Bist Ravi, New Delhi
Mr. Rakesh Kumar Pandey, Shramik Bharti, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
Mr. Rakesh, Professional, Rajkot
Mr. Raman, Manager, Madurai
Mr. Ramana Lanka, Retired Chief Engineer ONGC, Hyderabad
Mr. Ramashanker, Educore, Kokar, Jharkhand
Mr. Ramasubramanian, Sustainable Development Consultant
Mr. Ramdayal meena, Kota, Rajasthan
Mr. Ramit Basu, Independent Consultant, Faridabad, Haryana
Mr. Ramnarayan K, Educator, Munsiari, Uttarakhand
Mr. Ravi Kumar, Awaken India Movement, Gurdaspur
Mr. Ravi S P, Chalakudypuzha Samrakshana Samithi, Chalakudy, Kerala
Mr. Ravikumar A, Organice farmer, Chennai
Mr. Ravinder Malik, Sonepat, Haryana
Mr. Ricardo Ribeiro, Business, Goa
Mr. Ritesh Gohil, Freelance, Vadodara
Mr. Rizvin, Software Engineer, Hyderabad
Mr. Rohit Joshi, Yeoor Environmental Society, Thane, Maharashtra
Mr. RP Shahi, Ranchi
Mr. Rushil Tamboli, Awaken India Movement, Bhavnagar, Gujarat
Mr. Sameer v Solanki, Awaken India Movement, Kutch, Gujarat
Mr. Sampath Kumar, Business, Erode
Mr. Samresh Ranjan Mahato, Farmer, Jamshedpur
Mr. Sandeep Bhandari, K P Enterprises, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
Mr. Sandeep Gamre, Account, Mumbai
Mr. Sandeep Kumar, Social worker, VPO Chhattar, Haryana
Mr. Sanjay Lakra, Diocesan Social Service Centre, Jharsuguda, Orissa.
Mr. Sanjay Rajesh Gupta, Advocate, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Mr. Sanjay Saggan Singh, Advocate, Aurangabad, Bihar
Mr. Sanjib Kumar Pal, Director, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal
Mr. Sankaran, IT Professional, Tambaram, Tamilnadu
Mr. Saroj Mohanty, Paschima Odisha Krushak Sangathan Samanay Samiti, Odisha, sambalpur
Mr. Sathees Kumar B, Kerala Jaiva Karshaka Samithi, Kuthiathode village, Kerala
Mr. Sathya, Freelance, Chennai
Mr. Satish Mehta, Rajkot
Mr. Satish Naik, Business, Mumbai
Mr. Selvam Ramasamy, Tamilnadu Organic Farmers Federation, Erode, Tamilnadu
Mr. Shanmuga Subramanian Vellagal Arunachalam, Chennai
Mr. Sharad Paliwal, Swacch Association, Nagpur
Mr. Shashank, Teacher, Melkote
Mr. Shirish Joshi, Independent Consultant, Pune
Mr. Shuvankar Banerjee, Business, Bangalore
Mr. Siddharth Singh Negi, Uttaranchal Youth and Rural Development Centre, Chamoli, Uttarakhand State
Mr. Sivakumar M, Chennai
Mr. Sivakumaran N D, Advocate, Thiruvalangadu
Mr. Sohil Savla, Awaken India Movement, Mumbai
Mr. Soumya Dutta, MAUSAM, Delhi NCR
Mr. Srinivas P, SOIL Trust, Bengaluru, Karnataka
Mr. Subash G, Farmer, Avinashi
Mr. Subbram, Farmer, Thiruvarur
Mr. Subham Saha, Awaken India Movement, Raiganj, West Bengal
Mr. Sudesh Ningileri, Thoothukudi
Mr. Sudhir Singh, Agriculture, Rohtak
Mr. Sudipta Jana, West Bengal
Mr. Sujit Ghosh, Voluntary Health Association of Tripura, Agartala, Tripura
Mr. Sukanta Chakraborty, Durgapur
Mr. Sumanas Koulagi, Social worker, Melkote
Mr. Sunil Bavkar, IT, Uran Navi Mumbai
Mr. Sureshkumar, Ansodar pra. School, Ansodar
Mr. Suriya Gnanasundaram, Farmer, Madurai
Mr. Sushant Maurya, Medical, Pratapgarh (UP)
Mr. Syamkrishnan P A, Climate Leaders Action Network, Koottanad, Palakkad, Kerala
Mr. Tapan Singhal, Management Consultant, Pune
Mr. Tarundeep Singh, Awaken India Movement, Jalandhar
Mr. Tej Singh, Kudhrathi Kethi Abhiyan, Haryana
Mr. Tejas Pattani, Jay Kutch, Bhuj
Mr. Thejasvi Munishankarappa, Business, Bengaluru Karnataka
Mr. Thilak Raj S, Safe Food Alliance, Chennai
Mr. Umesh Shah, Farmar, Singrauli
Mr. Umesh Vyas, Shree Sarvaniketan Trust, Anand, Gujarat
Mr. Umesh, Professional, Singrauli
Mr. Vaibhav Trivedi, Maharashtra
Mr. Varunan T K, Kodungallur
Mr. Velayudham Ponnusamy, Rajapalayam , Tamil Nadu
Mr. Vikas Thumar, Satvik Organisations, Upleta
Mr. Vikram Sindhu, Teacher, ROHTAK
Mr. Vilas Vinayak Salunke, Maharashtra, pune, Vagholi
Mr. Vimal Kumar, Retired Software Engineer, Bengaluru
Mr. Vincent B DMello, Retired, Moodbidri Karnataka
Mr. Vineesh Kumar, coVeda, Chandigarh
Mr. Vipul Chaturvedi, Business, Ahmedabad
Mr. Viral Mahendra Ranka, Professional, Kalyan
Mr. Virender Sharma, Insurance advisor, Jind Haryana
Mr. Virendra Singh Malik, Agriculture Graduate, Rohtak
Mr. Vishwas Patil, Mahiti Adhikar Jansangharsh, Pune, Maharashtra
Mr. Yash Agrawal, Assistant professor, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
Mr. Yogesh Alva, Business Owner, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Mr. Zabiulla T, Be For Bamboo, Davanagere
Mr. Zala Keyur, Gir, Somanath
Mr. Ziauddin Khan, Bangalore

Coalition for a GM-free India 

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Coalition for a GM-free India 

Website:, email :,  Facebook pageGM Watch India

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