“Accept majority TEC final report”: More than 250 scientists write to PM

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To:                                                                                                        November 8th 2013

The Hon’ble Prime Minister, Government of India.

Respected Sir,

Sub: Request to accept the Final Report submitted by the Supreme Court-appointed Technical Expert Committee (TEC) on modern-biotechnology regulation


Never in the history of agriculture has a technology been so controversial as Genetic Engineering (GE)/Genetic Modification (GM) of crops. The unpredictability and irreversibility of Genetic Modification (GM) as a technology and the uncontrollability of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) in the environment, coupled with scientific studies pointing at the potential risk to human health and environment, has resulted in a controversy across the world around the safety as well as the very need for introducing such potentially risky organisms into food and farming systems. These concerns, incidentally, have been raised first and foremost by scientists who are free of vested interests, on scientific grounds.
As scientists and experts in our respective subjects we endorse and share concerns related to the irreversible impacts of science and technology of GMOs in our food, farming and environment. There are, in addition, socio economic and other concerns to which, as scientists, we should not be oblivious. The concentration of control of the most important input in agriculture, namely seeds, through a technology implemented with rigidly enforced Intellectual Property Rights is a matter of concern in view of the ease with which tinkering at the level of genes allows exclusive monopolistic rights to accrue to commercial entities. Since most such IPRs on important components and processes of GM are already in the hands of a handful of MNCs, this will inevitably lead to their monopolistic power over Indian agriculture over time. In the Indian context, there are also concerns on massive displacement of farm labour if Herbicide Tolerant (HT) GM crops are introduced. Given that the world is heavily tilted against the introduction of this controversial technology at this point of time, with a majority of nations not opting for it, this also raises serious issues of impact on India’s agricultural exports. The Honourable Supreme Court in a Public Interest Litigation on concerns related to environmental releases of GMOs, has set up a Technical Expert Committee to look into relevant issues for India pertaining to biosafety and other aspects/impacts of GMOs.
We welcome the fact that many relevant issues pertaining to GMOs have been appropriately taken on board in the Final Report of the Technical Expert Committee appointed by the Court. This Final Report has been submitted as a unanimous report to the Supreme Court by 5 independent experts  of the TEC who have expertise on “safety science” related to GMOs and have been looking into the matter from May 2012. We are of the view that the separate report submitted by the sixth member, appointed into the TEC in November 2012, an agricultural scientist who unfortunately has an objectionable conflict of interest notable of which is the fact that the organisation he heads is funded by the Biotech seed companies like Monsanto, Mahyco, etc, lacks the soundness of content of the Final Report. It is ironical that even this SC appointed committee has had to face such conflict of interest situation, given that this has been the case with almost all GM-related issues in India so far.


The sixth member’s approach of equating ‘environmental release’ of GMOs only as commercial cultivation is not tenable, as every use of GMOs outside any containment, such as in field trials, constitutes a deliberate environmental release. The sixth member is echoing the same arguments as the Agriculture Ministry on food security whereas it has been shown quite convincingly that food security, even in its narrow interpretation, could actually get jeopardised with transgenicsl, as experience from elsewhere shows. Many of us have in the past written to the Minister for Environment and Forests on this subject.
From the separate report submitted by the sixth member, it appears that he believes that the current regulatory system with its various guidance procedures is mostly satisfactory, whereas the 5 independent members of the TEC have most convincingly shown with their painstaking work on biosafety analysis that even the most basic capabilities related to biosafety assessment are missing in India, and that the regulatory processes are grossly inadequate.


We write this letter to endorse the Final report of the TEC for the reasons given below:


1.  The Final Report rightly recognizes that bringing out GMOs into any open air environment constitutes an environmental release, irrespective of the misleading terminology used in Indian regulatory parlance, where the term ‘environmental release’ is used only for commercial cultivation, whereas every open air trial even if it is called a ‘confined field trial’, is actually a deliberate environmental release of GMOs. Moreover when it comes to trials, the GMOs are yet unassessed and their impacts unknown.


2.  Further, the Report has clearly understood that not all GMOs are the same in terms of the risks they pose, nor are they needed in the Indian context except when no other options exist. The same approach was adopted by the MS Swaminathan-led Task Force on Agricultural Biotechnology, whose report was accepted by the Government of India in 2004, and which stated inter alia that the transgenic approach should be “resorted to when other options to achieve the desired objectives are either not available or not feasible”.
3.  Having considered the available options, risks and benefits, the Final Report has wisely recommended against the deployment of Bt food crops in India until their safety is established, and recommended the avoidance of Herbicide Tolerant GM crops. The Report also recommends a ban on genetic modification of crops for which India is the Centre of Origin/Diversity.These recommendations rightly include any open air field trials.


4. When it comes to sequencing of risk assessment, the Final Report is scientifically sound in recommending that“the sequence of testing should be carried out in order of increasing environmental exposure required to perform the test. Tests should be done under the minimum conditions of exposure required for the test. The testing therefore proceeds in a progressive manner that increases confidence regarding safety, with increasing exposure”.


5.  Importantly, from their perusal of the biosafety dossiers for GM applications that the Indian regulators had already cleared as safe, the five independent TEC members have once again confirmed the dismal state of regulatory affairs in India. While the Bt brinjal moratorium decision by the Government of India in 2010 indicated something similar, the TEC’s own painstaking work on this front is a vindication of the Government of India’s decision at that time to stop the commercial cultivation of Bt brinjal. It is also in line with the unanimous report of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Agriculture tabled on 9th August 2012, after three years of indepth study of GM food crops in India. The TEC main report therefore rightly points out that “it is apparent that there are major gaps in the regulatory system. These need to be addressed before issues related to tests can be meaningfully considered. Till such time it would not be advisable to conduct more field trials”. As experts specialising in various fields pertinent to biosafety and sustainable livelihoods, we endorse this important recommendation from the 5 independent members of the TEC.


6. The report makes an important recommendation on maintaining the independence (and therefore, scientific integrity) of regulation: Conflict of interest in terms of the location of the regulatory body needs to be avoided. The suggestion of the TEC that the regulatory bodies be located in the MoEF (environmental safety) and the MoHFW (health safety) is correct. It should always be ensured that all members of the regulatory bodies are also free of conflict of interest.


7.  We are also of the view that stakeholder participation, need assessment, socioeconomic considerations, sustainablitiy and societal impact should be some of the dimensions to be incorporated in the risk assessment and this should be done at an early stage in the risk assessment process.


8.    Other recommendations of the Final report, including asking for assessment of inter-generational and chronic impacts, or the need for the regulatory regime to be open to new scientific information that may have a bearing on risk assessment even after deregulation of a product, or for India to establish a strong, state-of-the-art biosafety regulatory system are all most welcome and their implementation is, in fact, long-overdue.


The sincere implementation of the recommendations of the Final Report submitted by the 5 eminent and independent members of the Supreme Court appointed Technical Expert Committee will go a long way in restoring societal confidence in science-based independent regulation of GMOs in India.


We urge the Government of India to accept the recommendations of the TEC Final report as it is based on sound science, principles of sustainability and intergenerational justice. We sincerely hope that vested interests would not be allowed to prevail and prevent the acceptance of this scientifically sound report. We look forward to the Union of India accepting these recommendations in full in the Supreme Court and thus ensuring the speedy delivery of justice based on the recommendations of these five eminent scientists of unimpeachable credentials.





1. Padma Bhushan Dr P M Bhargava, Founder Director, CCMB, Hyderabad

2. Prof R N Basu, Former Vice Chancellor, Calcutta University

3. Dr V S Vijayan, Former Chairman, Kerala State Biodiversity Board

4. Dr Tushar Chakraborty, Sr Scientist, IICB, Kolkata

5. Dr Dinesh Abrol, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi


Endorsed by:



1.   Padma Bhushan Dr Daljit Singh, Professor Emeritus, Medical College, Amritsar, Punjab

2.   Padma Shri Dr M H Mehta, Former Vice  Chancellor, Gujarat Agriculture University, The Science Ashram / Gujarat Life Sciences, Vadodara, Gujarat

3.   Dr A Biju Kumar, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

4.   Prof A K Ghosh, Director Centre for Environment and Development, Kolkata (Also, Adjunct Faculty, School of Environmental Studies and School of Oceanography, Jadavpur University & Department of Human Rights, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal. Member, National Biodiversity Authority, 2003-2009. Member, Task Force on Environment and Biodiversity, 11th Plan, Planning Commission)

5.   Dr A J T Johnsingh, Eminent Biologist, Nature Conservation Foundation, Mysore, Former Joint Director, Wildlife Institute of India, Karnataka

6.   Dr A R Vasavi, Social Anthropologist, Senior Fellow, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi

7.   Dr Abey George, Faculty, Tata Institute of Social Sciences-Kerala Centre, Trivandrum, Kerala

8.   Prof Abhee K. Dutt- Majumder, Working Chairman, West Bengal State Council of S&T.
Professor, High Energy Physics, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, West Bengal

9.   Dr Abhra Chakraborty, District Fisheries Officer, Bardhaman, West Bengal

10. Dr Adarsh Pal Vig, Head of Department of Botany and Environmental Studies, GND University, Amritsar, Punjab

11. Dr Ajab Singh, Agriculture Economist, Uttarakhand

12. Prof Allauddin Ahmad, Former Vice Chancellor, Shere- Kashmir Agriculture University, Srinagar. Former Vice Chancellor, Hamdard University, Patna, Bihar

13. Dr Alok Srivastava,  Professor, Department of Chemistry, Panjab University, Patiala, Punjab

14. Dr Amar Singh Azad, Director, Environmental Health Action Group, Patiala, Punjab

15. Dr Ambika Varma, Associate Professor (Retd.), College of Forestry, Kerala Agriculture University, Mannuthy, Trichur, Kerala

16. Dr Amit Basole, Economics, University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA

17. Dr Amitabha Lahiri, Professor, S.N.Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata, West Bengal

18. Dr Amol Patwardhan, Entomology expert, Professor of Zoology, Thane, Maharashtra

19. Dr Amruth M, Scientist, Forestry and Human Dimensions, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Thrissur, Kerala

20. Dr Anant Phadke, Co-Convenor, Jan Swasthya Abhiyan, Maharashtra

21. Dr Anbazhagan Kolandaswamy, Post Doctoral Researcher (Immunology/Inflammation), Montpellier, France

22. Dr Aneel Kumar Singh, Senior Scientist, Seed, ICAR, Patna, Bihar

23. Dr Anil Pande, Associate Professor, Government D.B. Girls College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh

24. Dr Anish Andheria, President, Wildlife Conservation Trust and Consultant, Sanctuary Asia, Mumbai, Maharashtra

25. Dr Anish Dua, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab

26. Dr Anoop Das, Assistant Professor, M.E.S. Mampad College, Malappuram, Kerala

27. Dr Anup Kumar Bandyopadhyay, Professor (retired), Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal

28. Dr Anupam Paul, Assistant Director of Agriculture, Biodiversity Conservation Farm, Agricultural Training Centre, Nadia, West Bengal

29. Dr Anurag Goel, Molecular Biologist, WAPRED, Madikeri, Karnataka

30. Dr Arun P R, Environmental Impact Assessment, Principal Scientist, Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

31. Dr Arun Mitra, General Secretary, Indian Doctors for Peace and Development, New Delhi

32. Dr Arun Waghela, BB Chitle Mahavidyalaya, Bhilwadi, Sangli, Maharashtra

33. Dr Arundeep Ahluwalia, Scientist Emeritus, Geology, Panjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab

34. Dr Asad Rahmani, Director, Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, Maharashtra

35. Dr Ashok Kundapur, Environmental Biology and Alternate Energy Expert, Udupi, Karnataka

36. Dr Ashwani Sharma, Registrar, Guru Ravi Dass Ayurved University, Hoshiarpur, Punjab

37. Prof Atul H Choksi, Material Science and Engineering, IISc, Bangalore, Karnataka

38. Dr Atul Mehta, Research Scientist, Rice, Anand Agriculture University, Gujarat

39. Dr Avik Ray, Associate Scientist, ATREE, Bangalore, Karnataka

40. Dr B B Sharma, Prof. of Zoology and Principal of Vaze College, Mumbai, Maharashtra

41. Prof B Narsimha Reddy, Plant Pathology Laboratory, Dept of Botany, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

42. Dr Baburao Kalapala, Retd Deputy Director of IICT (Indian Institute of Chemical Technology), Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

43. Dr Bhalchandra D. Bhawe, Photoelectronic Technolgist, Vijnan Bharati, Mumbai, Maharashtra

44. Dr Bhasundhra Chhetri, Department of Zoology, Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim

45. Dr Bhoj K Acharya, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Sikkim Government College, Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim

46. Dr C T S Nair, Former Chief Economist (Forestry Dept), Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and Former, Exec-Vice President, Kerala State Science Technology and Environment Council, Kerala

47. Dr Chandra Sekhar G, Head, Knowledge Management, Centre for Sustainable Agriculture; Entomologist, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

48. Prof Charudatta Kamlakarrao Deshmukh, Agricultural Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra

49. Dr Christopher, Reader, Department of Environmental Sciences, M G University, Kerala

50. Dr Claude Alvares, Organic Farming Association of India, Goa

51. Dr Datta G.Bhapkar, Retd. Director of Research – Mahatama Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Maharahstra

52.  Dr Debal Deb, Ecology and Conservation expert, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, Odisha

53. Dr Deepa Rathi, Expert in Textile Technology, Counseling & Healing, Thane Maharashtra

54. Dr Devika, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

55. Dr Dhanya Bhaskar, Assistant Professor (Environmental Science), College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka

56. Dr Dileepkumar R, Molecular Biologist, Research Coordinator, Centre for Venom studies, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

57. Dr Dinesan Cheruvat, Deputy Director of Fisheries & Farm Manager, Model Shrimp Farm & Training Centre, Mala, Thrissur, Kerala

58. Dr E Kunhikrishnan, Professor, Dept of Zoology, Kerala University. Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

59. Dr Elizabeth Joseph, Retd. Scientist (Fisheries), Kerala Agriculture University, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

60. Dr Esha Shah, Social Anthropologist of Technology, Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh

61. Prof F B Mandal, Animal Behaviour Research Unit, Bankura Christian College, West Bengal

62. Dr G K Satpute, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Former Dean, College of Agriculture, Tikamgarh, JNKVV, Madhya Pradesh

63.  Dr G Kumaravelu, IFS (Retd), Nature Conservationist, Former Addl Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and former Member of State Planning Commission,Tamilnadu

64. Dr G P I Singh, Vice Chancellor, Adesh University, Bathinda, Punjab

65. Dr G S Kaushal, Soil Scientist, Former Director, Department of Agriculture, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

66. Dr G S Mohan, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Research Station, UAS, Bangalore, Karnataka

67.   Dr G V Ramanjaneyulu, Agriculture Scientist, Centre for Sustainable Agriculture, Hyderabad

68. Dr G M Radhamani, Associate professor, Dept of Botany, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

69. Dr Ganapathy Murugan, Executive Director, Public Health Resource Network, New Delhi

70. Dr Gayatri Auti, Veterinary Microbiologist, Anthra, Pune Maharashtra

71. Dr Geeta Arora, PEC University, Chandigarh, Punjab

72. Dr Goldin Quadros, Senior Scientist, Wetland Ecology Division, Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

73. Dr Gunasekaran, University of Delhi, New Delhi

74. Dr Gurbax Singh Chhina, Khalsa College of Agriculture, Amritsar, Punjab

75. Prof Guruprasad Kar, Professor, Physics & Applied Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, West Bengal

76. Dr H R Mishra, Former VC, Ranchi Agri University, Patna, Bihar

77. Dr H R Prakash, Retd. Soil Scientist, Department of Agriculture, Bangalore, Karnataka

78. Dr H S Prema, Nutritionist, Varenya Nutrition Concepts, Bangalore, Karnataka

79. Dr Hardayal Singh, Agriculture Scientist, Patti, Amritsar, Punjab

80. Dr Hari Narayanan, Scientist, Professor, Guruvayoorappan College, Trichur, Kerala

81. Prof Harsh Kumar, Department of Biotechnology, Rajendra Agriculture University, Pusa, Bihar

82. Dr Hema M, Agricultural Economics, College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, Kerala

83. Dr Imrana Qadeer, Public Health expert, Visiting Professor, Council for Social Development. Retired Professor, Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health, Jawaharlal Nehru University, JNU, New Delhi

84. Dr Indira Devi, Professor (Economics), Kerala Agriculture University, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

85. Dr J C Upadhyaya, Retired Professor,  Indore, Madhya Pradesh

86. Dr J K Nigam, Plant Breeder, Director, Qualitas Seeds, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

87. Fr. Dr J Prasant Palakkappillil, Principal, Sacred Heart College, Thevara, Kochi, Kerala

88. Dr Jagbir Singh, HoD, Zoology & Environmental Sciences, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab

89. Dr Jayanta K Das, Associate Professor, Vivekananda Institute of Medical Sciences, Kolkata, West Bengal

90. Prof Jayanta Nayak, Koraput National University, West Bengal

91. Dr Johannes Manjrekar, Molecular Biologist, Microbiology Department and Biotechnology Centre, Maharaja Sayajirao University, Vadodara, Gujarat

92. Dr Jose Kallarackal Emeritus Scientist, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Trichur, Kerala

93.  Dr Juliet Vanitharani, Professor & head, Bat Research laboratory, Advance Zoology and Biotechnology Department and, Research Centre, Sarah Tucker College, Tirunelveli. Member, Tamilnadu Biodiversity Board, Tamilnadu

94.  Dr Jyothi Krishnan, Faculty, Tata Institute of Social Sciences-Kerala Centre, Trivandrum, Kerala

95. Dr K C Raghu, Food Technologist, Pristine Organics, Bangalore, Karnataka

96. Dr K D Yadav, Professor of Agriculture Extension, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Madhya Pradesh

97. Dr K Gunathilagaraj, Retd Professor of Agricultural Entomology, TNAU, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

98. Prof K K Krishnamurthy, Former Dean, TNAU and President, Indian Society for Certification of Organic Products, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

99. Dr K S S Nair, Entomologist, Former Director, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Trichur, Kerala

100.                 Dr K V Sankaran, Former Director, Kerala Forest Research Institue, Peechi, Kerala

101.                 Dr K Vidyasagaran, Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of Forest Management & Utilization, College of Forestry, KAU, Vellanikkara,Thrissur, Kerala

102.                 Dr Kalyan Rudra, River Scientist, Member, Ganga Monitoring Committee, Kolkata, West Bengal

103.                 Dr Lahu K. Gaekwad, Kala Vanijya Vigyan Mahavidyalaya,  Pune, Maharashtra

104.                 Dr Lalitha Vijayan, Sr Scientist, Salim Ali Foundation and formerly, Acting Director and Senior Principal Scientist, Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural Studies (SACON), Coimbatore, Thrissur, Kerala

105.                 Dr Latha Anantha,  conservationist, Director, River Research Centre, Thrissur – Kerala

106.                 Prof M C Varshneya, Former Vice Chancellor, Anand Agriculture University, Gujarat

107.                 Prof M K Prasad, Former Pro-VC, Calicut University; Ex-Chairman, Information Kerala Mission, Kerala

108.                 Prof M K Ramesh, Professor of Law and Founding Coordinator of Centre for Environmental Law Education Research and Advocacy (CEERA); Commons Cell, Environmental Law Clinic and MHUPA Chair Professor of Urban Poor and the Law, National Law School of India University, Bangalore, Karnataka

109.                 Dr M Parameswaran, Retired Professor of Biochemistry, Gujarat Agricultural University, Gujarat

110.                 Dr M S Chari, Entomologist, NPM Expert and Retd. Director, Central Tobacco Research Institute. Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

111.                 Dr M S Johal, Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology, Panjab University, Patiala, Punjab

112.                 Dr M Zeenath, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, MES KVM Colege Valanchery, Kerala

113.                 Dr Mahadev R Pachegaonkar, Veterinary Scientist and Expert in Organic Farming, Organic Farmers Study Group-Khalad, Latur, Maharastra

114.                 Dr Maitrayee Dasgupta, Head of the Dept (Retd), Biochemistry, Calcutta University, Kolkata, West Bengal

115.                 Dr Mammen Chundamannil, Scientist, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Thrissur, Kerala

116.                 Dr Mariamma Cherian, Scientist, UGC, Dept of Botany, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

117.                 Dr Mathew Koshy, Research Guide, Kerala University, Retd. Principal of Bishop Moore College Mavelikara, Kerala

118.                 Dr Maya Mahajan, Environmental Science and Sustainability expert, Amrita University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

119.                 Prof Mini N. Vijayan, Deparment of Botany, Carmel College for Women, Nuvem, Goa

120.                 Dr Minoo Hiraji Parabia, Retired Professor and Head, Department of Biosciences, South Gujarat University, Surat; Member, State Biodiversity Board, Government of Gujarat

121.                 Dr Mira Shiva, Public Health Physician, New Delhi

122.                 Dr Mohamad Kasim, Principal Scientist (Retd.), Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Chennai, Tamilnadu

123.                 Dr Mohan Rao, MBBS, Ph.D. Professor, Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

124.                 Dr Mousumi Poddar, Deparment of Botany, Calcutta University, Kolkata, West Bengal

125.                 Dr N L Shah, Biotechnologist, Pune, Maharahstra

126.                 Dr N N Panicker, Ocean Engineering, Independent Thinker and Innovator, Kerala

127.                 Dr N P Balakrishnan, Deputy Director (Retd.), Botanical Survey of India, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

128.                 Dr N P Singh, Retd. Director, State Farms Corporation Of India ( PSU), New Delhi, Ex ICAR Scientist, Post Graduate & Doctorate fro BHU, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

129.                 Dr N Paul Sunder Singh, Karunalaya Social Service Society, Chennai, Tamilnadu

130.                 Dr Nandini Rajamani, Co-Director, India Biosciences, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka

131.                 Dr Nandita Shah, Sanctuary of Health and Reconnection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN), Auroville, Tamil Nadu

132.                 Dr Narasimha Reddy Donti, Chetana Society, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

133.                 Dr Narendra Kumar Sharma, Senior Scientist, Humancytogenitic, Radiation Biology & Health Sciences Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Trombay, Mumbai, Maharashtra

134.                 Dr Neeta Dharamsey, Nutritionist, Mumbai, Maharashtra

135.                 Dr Nimisha Shukla, Professor and Head, Department of Rural Economics, Gujarat Vidyapeeth, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

136.                 Dr Nitya Sambamurti Ghotge, Veterinary Scientist, Anthra, Pune, Maharashtra

137.                 Dr O P Sharma, Agriculture Economist, Patna, Bihar

138.                 Dr O P Upadhyaye, Vice Chancellor, Guru Ravi Dass Ayurved University, Hoshiarpur, Punjab

139.                 Prof Om Damani, IIT Bombay, Mumbai

140.                 Dr Om Parkash Rupela, Soil Scientist and Molecular Biologist, Formerly with ICRISAT and Consultant to FAO, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

141.                 Dr P A Azeez, Conservation & Environment Scientist, Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

142.                 Dr P Balakrishnan, Rajiv Gandhi Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute, Palode, Trivandrum, Kerala

143.                 Dr P C Bhattacharjee, Professor and Head (Retd), Guwahati University, Guwahati, Assam

144.                 Dr P K Prasadan, Professor in Botany, University of Calicut, Kerala

145.                 Dr P Pramod, Sr. Scientist, Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History, Anaikatty, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

146.                 Dr P Sujanapal, Scientist, Department of Silviculture, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Trichur, Kerala

147.                 Dr P N Jha, Former Vice Chancellor, Rajendra Agriculture University, Pusa, Bihar

148.                 Dr Parthiba Basu, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology & Director, Centre for Pollination Studies, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal

149.                 Dr Partho Sarothi Ray, Assistant Professor and Wellcome Trust-DBT India Alliance Intermediate Fellow, Department of Biological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata, West Bengal

150.                 Dr Ponnammal Natarajan, Retd. Dean, Anna University, Tamilnadu

151.                 Dr Prabha Yadav Bhogaonkar, Expert in Angiosperm taxonomy, Ethno botany and Environment, President of Wildlife & Environment Conservation Society (WECS) (Amravati), Retd. Director of Government Vidharbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati, Maharashtra

152.                 Dr Prabhakar Gadre, Research Officer, Rajwade Sanshodan Mandal, Dhule, Maharashtra

153.                 Dr Prachinkumar, Assistant Professor, Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

154.                 Dr Pradeepkumar P.I., Associate Professor of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Maharashtra

155.                 Dr Priti Joshi, Botanist, Director, National Organisation for Community Welfare, Wardha, Maharashtra

156.                 Dr R B Thakare, Geneticist, Vice President Bharat Krishak samaj, Maharashtra.

157.                 Dr R G Panickar, Prof. of Zoology (Retd), M. S. University of Baroda, Baroda, Gujarat

158.                 Dr R Jayaraj, Scientist, Division of Forest Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Thrissur, Kerala

159.                 Dr R K Kohli, Vice Chancellor, DAV University, Jalandhar, Punjab

160.                 Dr R K P Singh, Retd. Professor, Rajendra Agriculture University, Pusa & Presently working at ICRA Patna, Bihar

161.                 Dr R P Yadav, Head of Department, Entomology, Rajendra Agriculture University, Pusa, Bihar

162.                 Dr R S Raghu, Agronomist, Former Dean, College of Agriculture, Madhya Pradesh

163.                 Dr R V Varma, Entomologist, Former Chairman,Kerala State Biodiversy Board and Former Head, Department of Entomology, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Trichur, Kerala

164.                 Dr Rajasekhar G, Agriculture Scientist, Centre for Sustainable Agriculture, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

165.                 Dr Rajashree Ray, IISc, Bangalore, Karnataka

166.                 Dr Rajasri Das, Research Associate, Centre for Ecological Studies, Indian Inst of Science, Bangalore, Karnataka

167.                 Dr Rajeswari Sarala Raina, Scientist, National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS – CSIR), New Delhi

168.                 Dr Rajinder Kumar, Dept of Human Biology, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab

169.                 Dr Rajneesh Arora, Vice Chancellor, Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, Punjab

170.                 Dr Ram C Chaudhary, Chairman, Partcipatory Rural Development Foundation, Gorakhpur, UP and Ex- Rice Breeder, GBPUAT Panthnagar, IRRI Plant Breeder, Rice Specialist, The World Bank

171.                 Dr Rama V Baru, Professor, Centre for Social Medicine and Community Health, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

172.                 Dr Ranvir Singh, Public Health Expert and Independent Researcher, New Delhi

173.                 Dr Rashmi Choubey, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

174.                 Dr Rekha A Nair M.D (Path), Additional Professor of Pathology, Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

175.                 Dr Ritu Priya, MBBS, Ph.D. Professor & Chair, Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

176.                 Dr Robert B Grubh, Ornithologist, Director Institution for Restoration of Natural Environment, Former Deputy Director, Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, Maharashtra

177.                 Dr Rudraradhya, Retd Senior Plant Breeder, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka

178.                 Dr S C Deshmukh, Agronomist, Former Chief Scientist, JNKVV, Madhya Pradesh

179.                 Prof S C Santra, Professor & ENVIS Coordinator, Department of Environmental Science, University of Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal

180.                 Dr S G Vombatkere, Engineering, Retd. Major General, Indian Army, Mysore, Karnataka

181.                 Dr S K Gautam , Plant Breeder, CEO, Omni agrisystems & Managements Pvt Ltd, New Delhi

182.                 Dr S N Prasad, Senior Principal Scientist, Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History, Anaikatty, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

183.                 Dr S R Sharma, Agronomist, Former Cane Commissioner ,Govt of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

184.                 Prof S Chatterjee, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, Karnataka

185.                 Dr S Jeevananda Reddy, Formerly Chief Technical Advisor – WMO/UN & Expert FAO/UN Fellow, Andhra Pradesh Academy of Sciences, Convenor, Forum for a Sustainable Environment, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

186.                 Dr S Ramdoss, Associate Professor, Dept of criminology, University of Madras, Chennai, Tamilnadu

187.                 Dr S Sankar, Programme Coordinator (Forestry and Human dimension), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Trichur, Kerala

188.                 Dr S Somasundaram, Research Associate, Green Future Foundation, New Delhi

189.                 Dr Sagari R Ramdas, Veterinary Scientist and Animal Breeding and Geneticist, Director, Anthra, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

190.                 Dr Sanjay Kumar, Associate Professor in Physics, St Stephen’s College, University of Delhi, New Delhi

191.                 Dr Santhi, Ecologist, Trivandrum, Kerala

192.                 Dr Santosh M. Tungare, Environmental Chemistry Expert, Mumbai, Maharashtra

193.                 Dr Sarala Panickar, Entomologist (Retd), Kerala Agriculture University, Kerala

194.                 Dr Sasikumar Menon, Drug Toxicology and Molecular Techniques Expert, Institute for Advanced Research in Interdisciplinary Sciences, Mumbai, Maharashtra

195.                 Dr Satnam Singh, Agriculture Scientist, Ajnala, Amritsar, Punjab

196.                 Dr Seema Javed, Environmental Chemistry, New Delhi

197.                 Dr Seema Purushothaman, Professor (Development Studies) at Azim Premji University, Bangalore, Karnataka

198.                 Dr Sehajpal, Dept. of Micro Biology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab

199.                 Dr Shaila Wagh, Child Health Care Expert, Mumbai, Maharashtra

200.                 Dr Shaji, Fisheries Expert, Formerly Scientist, Kerala State Biodiversity Board, Kerala

201.                 Dr Shaju Thomas, Professor and Head, Department of Zoology, Nirmalagiri College, Muvatupuzha; Kerala

202.                 Dr Shalini Sharma, Environment and Development Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Guwahati, Assam.

203.                 Dr Shambhu, Potato Research Station, Patna, Bihar

204.                 Prof Shambu Prasad, Science, Technology and Society Studies expert, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

205.                 Dr Shantilal Kothari, President of Academy of Nutrition Improvement, Nagpur, Maharashtra

206.                 Dr Sharad Lele, Bangalore, Karnataka

207.                 Dr Shashikala Gurpur, Director, Symbiosis Law School, Pune,Dean, Faculty of Law, SIU, Instructor: Masters Course on Biotechnology Law, Pune, Maharashtra

208.                 Dr Shefali Bharti, Environment Scientist, Podar International School, Mumbai, Maharashtra

209.                 Dr Shree Ram Padmadeo, HoD, Botany & Coordinator Department of Biotechnology, Patna University, Patna, Bihar

210.                 Dr Shri Ram Parihar, Principal, Govt. Girls Postgraduate College, Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh

211.                 Dr Soma Sundar Marla, Principal Scientist (Bio-Informatics) and Member, Task Force DBT, NBPGR, ICAR, New Delhi

212.                 Dr Srijit P, Asst Professor, Dept of Zoology, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

213.                 Prof Sudarshan Iyengar, Vice Chancellor, Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

214.                 Dr Sudha Vasan, Enviornmental Sociology, Associate professor, Dept of Sociology, University of Delhi, New Delhi

215.                 Dr Suhas Kolhekar, Molecular Biologist, Convenor, National Alliance for People’s Movements, Maharashtra

216.                 Dr Sujata Goel, Molecular Biologist, WAPRED, Madikeri, Karnataka

217.                 Dr Sujatha Byravan, Geneticist, Chennai, Tamilnadu

218.                 Dr Sujay Basu, Former Professor, Jadavpur University, Calcutta. Vice-Chairperson, State Council of Biotechnology, West Bengal

219.                 Dr Sujoy K. Das Gupta, Professor, Dept. Of Microbiology, Bose Institute, Kolkata, West Bengal.

220.                 Dr Sukhdev Kundu, Associate Professor, Dept of Environmental Science , DAV University, Jalandhar, Punjab

221.                 Dr Sultan Ahmed Ismail, Expert in Soil Ecology, Biology and Ecology of Earthworms, Former Head of the Department of Biotechnology of The New College, Chennai. Presently MD Ecoscience Research Foundation, Chennai, Tamilnadu

222.                 Dr Suman Sahai, Geneticist, Chairperson, Gene Campaign, New Delhi

223.                 Dr Surendra C. Thakurdesai, Head & Associate Professor, P.G. Department of Rural Development, Jogalekar College, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra

224.                 Dr Suresh Verma, Retired Principal, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh

225.                 Prof T K Ghose, Bose Institute, Kolkata, West Bengal

226.                 Dr T K Maqbool, Professor in Zoology, Calicut University, Kerala

227.                 Dr T N Vijayakumar, President, Malabar Natural History Society, Calicut, Kerala

228.                 Prof T Pradeep, IIT Madras (Chemistry, Materials, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology), Chennai

229.                 Dr T S Channesh, Science journalist and columnist, Bangalore, Karnataka (formerly, Fellow at Karnataka State Council for S & T, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Head of Department of History of Sciences, Kannada University, Hampi. Research Director, MCC Centre for Scientific Research and Advanced Learning, Bangalore. Scientist, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, University of Agricultural Sciences, Chintamani)

230.                 Dr T V Sajeev, Scientist (Entomologist), Forest Health, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Thrissur, Kerala

231.                 Dr Tarak Kate, Biologist, Chairman, Dharamitra (an Eco-Technology Resource Centre for Sustainable Development), Wardha, Maharashtra

232.                 Dr Tenneti Madhu, Principal, Swarnandhra Institute of technology and Engineering, Narsapur, Andhra Pradesh

233.                 Dr Thara K G, Head, Disaster Management Centre, Institute of Land and Disaster Management, Govt of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

234.                  Dr Thomas Varghese, Soil Scientist (Retd.), Kerala Agriculture University, Ex-Chairman, Kerala State Agriculture Prices Board, Kerala

235.                 Dr Uma J Vinod, Scientist (Conservation and Research on Ornithology and Wildlife), Crow Foundation, Palakkad, Kerala

236.                 Prof Umesh Mishra, Retired Professor of Physics, Sharda Colony, Brahmapuri, Distt. Chandrapur, Maharashtra

237.                 Dr Usha Balram, Professor and Head (Retd.), Dept of Zoology, All Saints College, Trivandrum, Kerala

238.                 Dr Utkarsh Ghate, Agri-business expert, Covenant Centre for Development, Durg, Chhattisgarh

239.                 Dr V N Shroff,  Genetics and Plant Breeding, Former Dean, College of Agriculture, JNKVV, Indore, Madhya Pradesh

240.                 Prof V R Raghunandanan, Associate Professor and Head of the Department, Department of Diary Science, College of Dairy Science and Technology, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Science University, Mannuthy; Trichur, Kerala

241.                 Dr V T Sundaramurthy, Entomologist & Formerly Project Coordinator, All India Coordinated Cotton Improvement Project (ICAR), Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

242.                 Dr V V Robin, Fellow, National Centre for biological Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka

243.                 Dr Valsaladevi G, Curator, Dept of Botany, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

244.                 Dr Vanaja Ramprasad, Founding Director of Foundation for Genetic Resource, Energy, Ecology and Nutrition, Former Board member of International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movement, Bangalore, Karnataka

245.                 Dr Vandana Shiva, Navdanya and Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Environment, New Delhi

246.                 Dr Venkatesh Krishnamurthy, Dr B.C Roy Awardee, Chairman and Founder of NU Hospitals, Bangalore, Karnataka

247.                 Dr Vibha Taluja,  Chemist , Scientists for Ecology & Safe Food, Chandigarh, Punjab

248.                 Dr Vijaya Venkat, Health Activist, Nutritionist, pioneer in Natural Living, Founder of The Health Awareness Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra

249.                 Dr W R Deshpandey, Former Joint Director, Extension. JNKVV, Indore, Madhya Pradesh

250.                 Dr Yuvasenthilkumar R, Asst Professor Horticulture, Vanavaryar Institute of Agriculture, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

251.                 Dr Zakir Hussain, Agriculture Scientist, Centre for Sustainable Agriculture, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh





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