
This website is a repository of India-specific information related to GMOs in food and farming systems in the country.

This is being maintained by the Coalition for a GM-Free India, a large informal nation-wide network of organisations and individuals concerned about the environmental release of GMOs.

About the Coalition: The Coalition for a GM-Free India is a loose, informal network of scores of organizations and individuals from across India, campaigning and advocating to keep India GM-Free, and to shift our farming towards a sustainable path. Consisting of farmers’, consumers’, environmental, women’s and other organizations, this network is opposed to the environmental release of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) given the potential adverse health and environmental impacts, in addition to the fact that GMOs also are taking away valuable research and other resources from more lasting solutions.

Given that GMOs and associated IPRs are used by corporations to control and expand their monopolistic markets, we are opposed to GMOs on those grounds too. The Coalition also looks at GM technology as an illustrative case for the need to democratize Science & Technology policy/decision-making, empowering individual citizens to have their right to informed choices.

The Coalition for a GM-Free India has been working since 2006 and is a constantly expanding force of citizens saying NO to GMOs in our food and farming, here in India.


9 thoughts on “About

  1. Dear Folks:
    Thanks for your good work. Our company in the USA works with a company in India in a project of Non-GMO corn syrup. Can you tell us the current status in India of GM corn in commercial agriculture and/or in trials? (I understand that unfortunately trials for GM corn have been recently approved and are moving forward. Do you know where and when these trials will be done?)

    Also, we’re looking to certify their Non-GMO corn and corn syrup as Non-GMO. Do you know any companies or organizations in India that can do such Non-GMO certification?

    Please email your response, and thanks in advance for your help.

    Kind regards, Steve Krause

  2. I hope the GEAC approval for field trials of various types of GMO crops have been stopped; Else please let us know what we can do in our areas to get these trials stopped

    First thing to do is to get the public informed, that GMOs are dangerous to human health; we need to make short movie clips of the dangers of each type of GMO food and show them on all India TV, practically every day, several times a day, for as long as it takes, till this gets thru; then it should be easy enough to get GMOs banned completely in India

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